How to perform Salah (pray)

  1. Muslims Pray 5 times a day
    1. Prayer is a direct link between the Worshipper and God.
      1. A Discussion directly with God. 
    2. Formal Prayer only takes a few minutes to perform and is different than informal prayer, which is known as Du’ua in Islam
      1. Explain what Du’ua is
    3. Prayer follows the Sun, and the times for prayer change everyday
      1. Go through the 5 prayers and their times. 
    4. It is better to perform prayer as soon as the Athan (call to prayer) happens
      1. Explain Athan, show video of Athan 
      2. However it is a Mercy of Allah SWT that the prayer can be performed anytime from the Athan to the Athan of the next prayer
        1. Except Fajr which is until Sunrise
    5. Prayer is for the benefit of the worshiper and not for God
      1. God does not benefit or hinder if a prayer is performed or not 
      2. Prayer helps Muslims recenter themselves, be reflective and grateful to God for all their blessings, ask forgiveness for all the mistakes they have committed, and to ask for guidance.
        1. Through the obedience of worship Muslims are shaped into better human beings, and prayer is a direct link with this process. 
    6. Muslims can pray anywhere (does not need to be in a mosque, can be outside, in stores, etc.) 
    7. Wudu
      1. Steps and Purpose 
    8. Prayer Rugs
      1. Bring one in for an example 

*Why do women have to pray behind men? Is it because they are seen as inferior to men? (commonly asked question, maybe address this topic here)